

  • 中本 喬大(関西医科大学)
    Development and Validation of a Preoperative Nomogram for Endoscopic Management Decision Making in Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma
    論文掲載誌:Annals of Surgical Oncology. 31(2):1393-1401, ePublished:05 November 2023
  • 濵本 周造(名古屋市立大学)
    Efficacy of Robot-Assisted Ureteroureterostomy in Patients with Complex Ureteral Stricture after Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy
    論文掲載誌:Journal of Clinical Medicine. 12(24), 7726, 2023


  • 田口 和己(名古屋市立大学)
    A Randomized,Single-Blind Clinical Trial Comparing Robotic-Assisted Fluoroscopic-Guided with Ultrasound-Guided Renal Access for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
    論文掲載誌:Journal of Urology. 208(3):684-694,2022
  • 角野 佳史(金沢大学)
    Investigating the mechanism underlying urinary continence using dynamic MRI after Retzius-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy
    論文掲載誌:Scientific Reports. 2022 Mar. 10;12(1). 3975


  • 池田 篤史(筑波大学)
    Cystoscopic lmaging for Bladder Cancer Detection Based on Stepwise Organic Transfer Learning with a Pretrained Convolutional Neural Network
    論文掲載誌:Journal of Endourology. Jul;35(7):1030-1035,2021
  • 泉 浩二(金沢大学)
    A novel risk classification score for malignant ureteral obstruction: a multicenter prospective validation study
    論文掲載誌:Scientific Reports. 11(1). 4455,2021


  • 茂田 啓介(慶應義塾大学)
    Evaluating the Oncological Outcomes of Pure Laparoscopic Radical Nephroureterectomy Performed for Upper-Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Patients: A Multicenter Cohort Study Adjusted by Propensity Score Matching
    論文掲載誌:Annals of Surgical Oncology 28(1):465-473.Epub 2020 Aug 25.
  • 濵本 周造(名古屋市立大学)
    Prospective evaluation and classification of endoscopic findings for ureteral calculi
    論文掲載誌:Scientific Reports. 10(1). 12292,2020


  • 小林 聡(九州大学)
    Surgical navigation improves renal parenchyma volume preservation in robot-assisted partial nephrectomy: A propensity score-matched comparative analysis
    論文掲載誌:The Journal of Urology, Published Online:12/20/2019
  • 吉田 崇(関西医科大学)
    Efficacy and safety of complete intra-ureteral stent placement versus conventional stent placement in relieving ureteral stent-related symptoms: A randomized, prospective, single-blind, multicenter clinical trial
    論文掲載誌:The Journal of Urology. 202(1):164-170,2019


  • 三木 淳(東京慈恵会医科大学附属柏病院)
    Anatomical localization and clinical impact of sentinel lymph nodes based on patterns of pelvic lymphatic drainage in clinically localized prostate cancer
    論文掲載誌:Prostate. 78:419-425,2018
  • 神山佳展(神山クリニック(申請時 東北大学))
    Effects of a Novel Piezo Actuator-driven Pulsed Water Jet System on Residual Kidney After Partial Nephrectomy in a Rat Model
    論文掲載誌:Urology. 123:265-272,2019


  • 高安 健太(関西医科大学)
    Analysis of the posture pattern during robotic simulator tasks using an optical motion capture system(Surg Endosc. Jan; 32:183-190,2018)
  • 富田 圭司(滋賀医科大学)
    Indocyanine Green Angiography-assisted Laparoendoscopic Single-site Varicocelectomy(Urology. Aug; 106:221-225,2017)


  • 井上 貴昭(関西医科大学)
    Wideband Doppler Ultrasound-guided Mini-endoscopic Combined Intrarenal Surgery as an Effective and Safe Procedure for Management of Large Renal Stones: A Preliminary Report(Urology, 95:60-66,2016)
  • 矢部 通弘(福島県立医科大学)
    Atherosclerosis as a Predictor of Delayed Recovery From Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction After Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy(Neurourology and Urodynamics, 35:920-925, 2016)


  • 福原 秀雄(高知大学)
    Performance of 5-aminolevulinic-acid-based photodynamic diagnosis for radical prostatectomy(BMC Urology. 2015 Aug 1;15:78. doi: 10.1186/s12894-015-0073-y.)
  • 黒田 晋之介(大口東総合病院)
    Development and Internal Validation of a Classification System for Predicting Success Rates After Endoscopic Combined Intrarenal Surgery in the Modified Valdivia Position for Large Renal Stones(Urology.Oct;86(4):697-702.2015)


  • 濵本 周造(名古屋市立大学)
    Developments in the Technique of Endoscopic Combined Intrarenal Surgery in the Prone Split-leg Position(Urology. 84(3),565-570,2014)
  • 伊藤 悠城(横浜市立大学)
    Development and internal validation of a nomogram for predicting stone-free status after flexible ureteroscopy for renal stones(British Journal of Urology International, 2014 [Epublish ahead of print] )


  • 吉田 健志(関西医科大学附属枚方病院)
    Analysis of laparoscopic dissection skill by instrument tip force measurement(Surgical Endoscopy, 27(3):2193-2200,2013)
  • 内藤 泰行(京都府立医科大学)
    Hemostatic effect of new surgical glue in animal partial nephrectomy models(Urology, 81(5):1095-1100,2013)


  • 舛森 直哉(札幌医科大学)
    New technique with combination of felt, Hem-o-lok and Lapra-Ty for suturing the renal parenchyma in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy.(International Journal of Urology, 19, 273-276,2012)
  • 亭島 淳(広島大学)
    Impact of laparoscopic experience on the proficiency gain of urologic surgeons in robot-assisted surgery.(Journal of Endourology. 26(12):1635-1638, 2012)


  • 石井 啓一(大阪市立総合医療センター)
    Basic In Vitro Experiment on the Adhesive Effects of Sheet-Type Hemostatic Agents Used in Combination with a Liquid Fibrin Sealant.他1編(JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY; 25(11):1775-1779, 2011)
  • 小島 祥敬(福島県立医科大学)
    Comparison of Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty for Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction in Adults and Children: Lessons Learned.(THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY; 185(4):1461-1468, 2011)


  • 内藤 泰行(京都府立医科大学)
    Experimental Study for Electrovaporization of Renal Cell Carcinoma Using a New Shape Memory Alloy Probe(Urology75 (6) : 1509-1513, 2010)
  • 仲村 和芳(千葉大学)
    Surgical Navigation Using Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography Images Fused Intraoperatively with Live Video(Journal of Endourology 24 (4) : 521-524, 2010)


  • 佐々 直人(名古屋大学)
    Direct Visualization of Renal Hemodynamics Affected by Carbon Dioxide-induced Pnaumoperitoneum(Urology.73(2):311-315,2009)
  • 小島 祥敬(名古屋市立大学)
    Laparoscopic Orchiectomy and Subsequent Internal Ring Closure for Extra-abdominal Testicular Nubbin in Children(Urology.73:515-519,2009)
  • 石戸 則孝(倉敷成人病センター)
    珊瑚状結石に対する経皮・経尿道的同時治療(TUL-assisted PNL)(西日本泌尿器科 71巻7号 348-355, 2009)